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Things Landlords Should Be Doing Every Year but Probably Aren’t

Things Landlords Should Be Doing Every Year but Probably Aren’t

As a landlord, the responsibilities in property management can sometimes feel endless. The to-do list can quickly pile up from tenant management to property maintenance

However, among the daily tasks, there might be some essential tasks that often slip through the cracks or are forgotten until they become urgent.

In this article, Rent Appeal will help you understand the annual tasks landlords should prioritize to ensure the best condition of their property and increased rental income.

8 Annual Tasks for Landlords

Inspect and Service Smoke Detectors

As a responsible landlord, ensuring the safety of your tenants should be a top priority. One crucial but often overlooked task is inspecting and servicing smoke detectors annually. 

You should schedule a day dedicated to this critical safety measure and begin by testing each smoke detector to ensure its functioning correctly. Replace any low or dead batteries and vacuum the detectors to remove dust and debris. 

Additionally, you should check each detector’s expiration date and replace any that are past their recommended lifespan. Documenting the inspection and servicing in your records can help you demonstrate your commitment to safety and compliance with regulations.

Review and Adjust Rent Prices

The real estate market is constantly evolving. As a savvy landlord, you must keep up with the market and set competitive rent prices.

You should start by gathering data on current market trends, analyzing comparable rental properties in your area, and considering any upgrades or improvements you’ve made to your rental units. 


With this knowledge, you can confidently review and adjust your rent prices to stay competitive while maximizing your investment returns.

Service HVAC Systems

Schedule a professional service for your HVAC system annually to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. A trained technician can inspect, clean, and tune up your heating and cooling units, addressing potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs.

By investing in regular HVAC maintenance, you not only extend the lifespan of your system but also provide your tenants with a comfortable living environment year-round.

Check for Leaks and Water Damage

Water damage can cause extensive harm if left unchecked. As a vigilant landlord, conducting thorough annual inspections for leaks and water damage is crucial. Start by examining areas prone to water infiltration, such as around windows, doors, and plumbing fixtures.

Furthermore, look for signs of moisture, including stains, peeling paint, or warped surfaces. You should inspect the roof for missing or damaged shingles and ensure that gutters and downspouts are clear of debris.

Update Insurance Coverage

Insurance is your safety net in the unpredictable world of property management and needs regular inspection and adjustment to ensure it’s up to the task. Annually reviewing and updating your insurance coverage is crucial to protect your investment adequately.


Assess your current coverage and determine if any changes are needed based on property value, rental income, and liability risks. Depending on your property’s location, consider adding or increasing coverage for natural disasters, such as floods or earthquakes.

Review and Update Lease Agreements

Lease agreements serve as the foundation of the landlord-tenant relationship, outlining the rights and responsibilities of both parties. Just as the needs and circumstances of your property may change over time, so should your lease agreements.

Annually reviewing and updating these documents is essential to ensure they reflect current legal requirements and address any specific concerns or issues that have arisen.

Review your existing lease agreements, noting any outdated or ambiguous language that may need clarification or revision. You can incorporate any new regulations or laws that have come into effect since the last update.

Finally, communicate any changes to your tenants and obtain their acknowledgment and agreement to the updated terms. By keeping your lease agreements up-to-date, you can protect your rights as a landlord and maintain a positive and transparent relationship with your tenants.

Upgrade Locks, Security Cameras, And Lighting

To protect your rental property, it is crucial for you to have a robust security system. You should start by upgrading the locks on doors and windows to more secure options, like deadbolts or smart locks. 


These additions can enhance the safety of your property and provide peace of mind for both you and your tenants. 

Next, consider installing security cameras in strategic locations around the property. These cameras can deter potential intruders and provide valuable footage in the event of a security breach. 

Lastly, improve outdoor lighting to illuminate dark areas and enhance visibility at night. This improves safety and creates a more welcoming environment for your tenants.

Incorporate Feedback and Address Tenant Concerns

You can solicit feedback from your tenants through surveys, suggestion boxes, or informal conversations. Ask about their experiences living on your property, any issues they’ve encountered, and any suggestions they have for improvement.

Once you receive feedback, prioritize addressing tenant concerns promptly and effectively. Whether it’s addressing noise complaints or improving communal areas, solving tenant issues demonstrates that you value their input and are committed to addressing their needs.

Bottom Line

By implementing the annual tasks outlined in this guide, from maintaining property safety to addressing tenant concerns, you can enhance the appeal of your rental units and maximize your investment returns. 

Remember, proactive maintenance and attentive tenant relations are critical to long-term success in the rental business. To gain further assistance in property management, consider partnering with Rent Appeal!

Our dedicated team specializes in property management services, from maintenance and repairs to tenant relations and legal compliance, helping you make the most out of your rental property.
